Respawn does a number on Apex Legends players by dispatching its newest hero

 Forge, the newest hero on his way to Apex Legends, has been dispatched before he got a chance to touch down in Season 4, sparking speculation that Respawn likes a red herring (via Rock Paper Shotgun).

In the latest animated short, James ‘The Forge’ McCormick is interviewed on his debut in the Apex Games. The five-time Hyper-fighting Federation Champion bragged of his strength and challenged the Legends to go toe to toe, but said that he was “blessed to have such great support behind [him].” Then, a scarlet, skeletal figure appeared behind him, and they seemingly fatally stabbed Forge. Oh, dear.
On the official Apex Legends website, Forge’s headshot is now in shadow and is accompanied by the text, “RIP JIMMIE ‘FORGE’ MCCORMICK. Never defeated (except for that one time).” I would say that’s a definitive end for the boastful brawler. It is another nail in the coffin for Revenant, the robot antagonist that has been leaked time and time again. Apex Legends players were thrown for a loop when Forge was revealed, because the fighter didn’t feature on the leaked development sheet showing future characters. Revenant did, and it seems he’d been hiding in and out of plain sight in datamined assets and Respawn employee tweets.
However, this isn’t to say that Revenant is dropping into Kings Canyon for a jolly jaunt. Some noticed that Forge in the animated short has an eyebrow scar, and Forge in the official artwork does not. Was the interviewer talking to a imitator, and is the real Forge still alive and has a bone to pick with Revenant? We’ll have to wait and see when Season 4: Assimilation begins on February 4.
Apex Legends is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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